Being Digitally Literate

Briana Herzog
3 min readApr 28, 2021

Ever since technology was created, the need for digital literacy has increased because it is the deeper questions that need to be asked about technology. Questions like who would find it useful to use a specific piece of technology, why would they use it, and when would it be appropriate for them to use it are part of the questions digital literacy is supposed to be about. It is what brings up some of the concepts that Rheingold talks about in his book Net Smart: How to Thrive Online. While he talks about many different concepts in his book, one of the points I found most interesting that he brought up was how our attention has shifted so significantly with the introduction of technology to our lives.

“Once I started looking for everyday behaviors where communication technology use affects attention, it didn’t take long to perceive the outlines of the large-scale shifts in attentional practices and norms that we all see happening around us in many ways” (Rheingold, pg 13).

Rheingold talks of his personal experiences as he sees how people will tend to put more attention on the technology they are using than what is going on around them. It is something noticeable in society and that I have personally experienced as well. Many times it feels like our attention needs to be on our technology for fear we’ll miss out on something or fall behind on the work of something such as responding to texts or emails. It’s interesting to think about how quickly we’ll put something as simple as finishing writing an email for work above saying hello to family as they return home from their own work.

Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay

From my time in this class, I have overall learned especially the effect technology has on people and how to use it in safer, more efficient ways without it getting in the way of going about our days. Going forward, I will definitely be more aware of what I do on the internet and how I let it control my life. By simply knowing how to be safe on the internet, it not only helps me feel better when exploring the internet, but it also helps me to know how to explore it in the way most helpful for my needs. Acknowledging how the internet works and affects you even when you’re not using the internet is important because it allows you to have more control over your life and how you choose to spend your time on the internet and off.

Going forward, I intend to continue to educate myself on what the internet is capable of as it develops further in the future and the “rules” of the internet change with it. Keeping up to date on the risks and benefits of technology will allow me to continue to safely use it. It also allows me to still work on my digital skills without having to worry that I may be taking unnecessary risks in my explorations. Something as simple as being more aware of what you choose to post to social media can be incredibly beneficial to helping you improve your social skills and is something I will be doing more in the future. Overall, I want to make sure I stay safe on the internet and with all technology I may end up using in the future as the world develops even more.

